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This article is about the structures in Captain Forever Universe. For the enemy type introduced in Captain Successor, see Enemy Types

Stations are a mechanic added in Captain Forever Universe, and can be considered one of the central goals of the game.

Except for the Stations in the starting area, most Stations any sector start inactive. Groups of inactive Stations must be liberated by destroying the Guardian that protects them before the player may use their services. Some Station Groups may not be occupied by a Guardian, and will be active immediately upon discovery.

Stations are invincible to all sources of damage. The exception to this are their Solar Panel parts, which were made vulnerable to stop enemies and players alike from getting stuck on them.

Players can interact with all Stations by docking with them.

Atmosphere Generator (ATM) (O-)

ATM Alpha.png

Atmosphere Generator Stations build the backbone of any sector's infrastructure. When activated they will project an atmosphere around their entire Station Group, allowing the player to refill their oxygen tanks, safely make use of other Stations' services, and rebuild their ships in relative peace. The farthest liberated Station Groups with activated Atmosphere Generator Stations will usually also act as anchors for players' exploration efforts.

When first encountering or liberating a new Station Group, Atmosphere Generator Stations will be offline, costing a certain amount of credits to reactivate according to their tier.

Tier Cost of activation
Alpha 20
Bravo 40
Charlie 100
Delta 200
Echo 400
Foxtrot 1000
Golf 2000
Hotel 4000
India 10000
Juliet 20000

Navigation (NAV) (N-)

NAV Alpha.png

Navigation Stations provide players with access to a map of the area surrounding that station. Once you dock with any Navigation Station its map is permanently added to your VMEDS across all saves.

Navigation Stations work the same at all tiers.

Scrapyard (SCR) (S-)

SCR Alpha.png

Scrapyard Stations will buy unwanted parts. To sell parts, drag them into the enclosed area before docking with the Scrapyard Station. Scrapyard Stations can only process parts up to its own tier, and will ask the player to remove any above it if they are in its processing area.

Additionally, the player may request a detailed quote for the parts they wish to sell. This will create a table of every individual part, its integrity, and the price it would be sold for.

Refinery (REF) (I-)

REF Alpha.png

Refinery Stations look and work in a manner similar to Scrapyard Stations, but rather than buying parts, they will pay for minerals in their processing area. These minerals must be pushed in manually, as they cannot be dragged with the mouse or attached to the ship.

Higher tier Refinery Stations have larger gates and processing areas, allowing the player to sell larger mineral chunks.

Factory (FAC) (F-)

Factory Stations sell parts to the player for credits. Only one type of part is available at each Factory Station, but players can purchase an unlimited quantity of it. Prices are the same as the reactivation of Atmosphere Generator Stations.

The parts sold by Factory Stations will always be one tier higher than their own, making Juliet Factory Stations (FJ) the only source of Kilo parts in the game. Every sector has at least one FJ, with a 10% chance for a second, and a 1% chance for a third to be generated.

Factories can sell all but the following parts:

  • Command Module
  • Chrono Gear
  • Auxiliary Oxygen Tank
  • Deck

Repair (REP) (R-)

REP Alpha.png

Repair Stations will repair parts attached to the player's ship for Credits. Repairs can be ordered via an ASCII representation of the player's ship in the VMEDS interface after docking. Repair Stations cannot repair parts of a higher tier than their own, but having them doesn't prevent the player from repairing any parts at an appropriate tier they might have.

The higher a part's tier, and the lower its integrity, the more it costs to repair.

Upgrade (UPG) (U-)

Upgrade Stations are rare and will upgrade individual parts attached to player ships for a considerable amount of credits. Upgrades can be ordered via an ASCII representation of the player's ship in the VMEDS interface. Upgrade stations will upgrade modules to the tier of the station and no higher.

Upgrading will also fully repair a part.

The Command Module, always issued at Bravo-tier, cannot be upgraded.

Warehouse (WAR) (W-)

Warehouse Stations allow players to store individual parts for later use. Players may drop parts in the designated area, then store those modules in any of the unused storage slots when docked, or retrieve them from filled slots. Warehouse Stations can hold up 15 parts at a time, and can only hold parts of its own tier and below.

Warehouse Stations almost always spawn with some of their slots filled with one kind of part at its own tier.

The inventory of Warehouse Stations is shared between all pilots a player has.

Apartment (APT) (A-)

APT Alpha.png

Apartment Stations occasionally supply the player with lucrative mail delivery quests.

When an Apartment Station nearby has mail to pick up, it will continually send out a radio signal to the player notifying them of their request. Should the player decide to accept the quest, a Mailbag part will appear outside it for the player to attach to their ship. To deliver a Mailbag players can place it in the Station's pick-up area and confirm the delivery when docked. Every time you complete a mail delivery quest, another Apartment Station in the sector will make another one available for pick-up.

If an Apartment Station does not have any mail to be picked up, but is still active, it will tell the player the current pickup location of any Mailbag currently available at the same tier.

If an active Apartment Station's docking port is deactivated it means there's currently no mail to pick up at that Station's tier.

The higher an Apartment Station's tier, the higher tier its Mailbags will be, and the higher the quest will pay out on delivery.

Wormhole ( )

Wormhole Station.png

Wormhole Stations act as the current primary goal of Captain Forever Universe, unlocking new sectors for the player to start as different pilots in.

When approaching the functional edge of a sector, where Wormholes are usually located, a Border Patrol ship will spawn in. These are extremely large and powerful Kilo-tier ships that are to be considered the main bosses of each Sector.

Once the Border Patrol in both sectors on opposing ends of a wormhole is defeated, the player can freely travel between both sectors with any pilot by using the respective Wormhole Stations.

Technically Wormhole Stations are always Juliet-tier, however the map only ever marks them with ().

Unused Station Types

Bank Station (BAN) (B-)

Bank Stations allow players to deposit or retrieve Credits to use as a backup in case of ship loss. Each Bank Station has a separate accounting system, so money stored in one will not be available in another. Like Warehouse Stations, the account of each Bank Station can theoretically be accessed by any pilot a player has.

Higher tier Bank Stations can store more credits.

Beacons (BEA) (X-)

Beacons have no function in the current version of Captain Forever Universe, but throughout the game's history have served a variety of features, from acting as transport points between sectors, to their activation being the win condition of the game.