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A Girder Charlie.

The Charlie tier of parts is the 3rd tier and is encountered rather early into a game. Ships of this tier are usually small. However, some Charlie parts can be found on some larger ships of higher tiers. Charlie's color is orange.


In Captain Forever

(Charlie ships are available to destroy from the beginning of the game, however they are quite rare until a Bravo-tier ship is destroyed.)

Command Module

  • Weight: 22,000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J


  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 8000 J

Laser/Prismatic Laser

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J
  • Laser: Red (Damage 500 J)
  • Rate of Fire: 4 Hz


  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Boost Power: 360,000 N

Blurst Shield

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 8000 J

In Captain Successor and Captain Impostor

Snipe Laser

  • Weight: 6000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J
  • Laser: Red (Damage 500 J)
  • Rate of Fire: 2 Hz


  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J
  • Laser: Red (Damage 500 J)
  • Rate of Fire: 8 Hz

Torpedo Launcher

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J
  • Torpedo: Red (Damage 2500 J)
  • Rate of Fire: 800 mHz

Missile Launcher

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J
  • Missile: Red (Damage 1000 J)
  • Rate of Fire: 800 mHz

Ramming Spike

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 16,000 J
  • Rate of Damage: 400 J per meter per second


  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Boost Power: 180,000 N

Twin Booster

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Boost Power: 180,000 N

Sprint Booster

  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Boost Power: 960,000 N
  • Boost Time: 4 seconds
  • Recharge Time: 2 seconds

Booster Mk. II

  • Weight: 9000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Boost Power: 1,500,000 N


  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Boost Power: 150,000 N


  • Weight: 3000 kg
  • Health: 4000 J
  • Rotation Power: 150,000 N

Station Module

  • Weight: 125,000 kg
  • Health: 120,000 J

Bubble Shield

  • Weight: 15,000 kg
  • Health: 8000 J
  • Shield Integrity: 16,000 J

Repair Tool

  • Weight: 15,000 kg
  • Health: 8000 J
  • Repair Power: 2000 J/s

Chrono Gear

  • Weight: 36,000 kg
  • Health: 8000 J
  • Speed Ability: 1.5x

In Captain Forever Universe

(Chrono Gears have their effect reduced to 1.25x and their size cut in half.)


  • Weight: 1500 kg
  • Health: 8000 J


  • Weight: 27,000 kg
  • Health: 40,000 J

Planck Shield

  • Weight: 4500 kg
  • Health: 8000 J
  • Shield Integrity: 16,000 J

Auxiliary Oxygen Tank

  • Weight: 15,000 kg
  • Health: 2000 J
  • Oxygen Reserves: 5 L

Power Spectrum
Alpha · Bravo · Charlie · Delta · Echo · Foxtrot · Golf · Hotel · India · Juliet · Kilo