Captain Successor

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Captain Successor is the sequel to Captain Forever. Only people who purchased the "Supporter" title were able to play the in-browser version of this game. Captain Successor adds 5 new weapon parts, 6 new propulsion parts, and 5 new support parts to those available in Captain Forever, as well as 5 new types of enemies, including a new end-game challenge.

Today Captain Successor is available as part of the Captain Forever Trilogy on Steam.



Picture Name Description
A laser.jpg Laser Shoots a single laser in a straight line.
A prismatic laser.jpg Prismatic Laser Shoots three lasers in a spread of 30 degrees to each side, each with the same damage as a regular Laser of the same tier, making it much stronger than a but much harder to control.
A snipe laser.jpg Snipe Launcher The Snipe Launcher fires each shot twice as fast and powerful, but at half the rate of fire as a regular Laser of the same tier. Due to the increase in speed it also travels twice as far.
Sprinkler.png Sprinkler The Sprinkler moves back and forth along a hemisphere (180 degrees), firing lasers at twice the rate and half the range of a regular Laser. Extremely hard to control, but equally devastating at close range.
A missile launcher.jpg Missile Launcher Fires missiles which track nearby enemy ships. Missiles deal the same damage of a regular Laser at the same tier, but fire twice as slow. Missiles also have a similar range to a regular Laser of the same tier, but due to their limited turn rate when tracking rarely travel as far out from the player's ship. Missiles also can collide with each other and be shot down by lasers.

Missiles will never hit the player's ship while trying to track down an enemy.

A torpedo launcher.jpg Torpedo Launcher Torpedoes are large, slow, and destructive. Each torpedo deals five times the damage of a regular Laser at the same tier. They cannot track enemy ships, and can be dodged easily given the right boosting power. Torpedoes fire at a fifth of the rate of a regular Laser at the same tier.
A ramming spike.jpg Ramming Spike The Ramming Spike deals damage based on how fast the ship is moving at the time of impact. More speed equals more damage, and higher tier spikes are much deadlier at any given speed. Useless against command modules.


Picture Name Description
P booster.jpg Booster Standard Booster. Propels a ship in the opposite direction of where it is facing.
P twin booster.jpg Twin Booster The Twin Booster is a set of two boosters, each with half the strength of a regular Booster at the same tier, but facing opposite directions perpendicular to where the part is facing.
P swim booster.jpg Unibooster The Unibooster has the power of half a regular Booster at the same tier that can swivel 90 degrees in either direction.
Translocator.png Translocator The Translocator is very unlike normal boosters in that it provides no actual thrust to the ship, simply adding its force to the ship when activated, and removing it when released.
Transrotator.png Transrotator A version of the Translocator for rotational movement.

Booster mk.png

Booster Mk. II A booster three times as large but over four times more powerful than a regular Booster of the same tier.
P sprint booster.jpg Sprint Booster A powerful booster, but operates for only a few seconds before depleting. After that, it must be rechardge by releasing all control inputs. The power provided, time of propulsion, and time to regenerate all depend on tier; at best boosting for four seconds and requiring only one to replenish.


Picture Name Description
S girder.jpg Girder Provides space to attach parts.
S repair tool.jpg Repair Tool

The Repair Tool fixes parts that are attached to it on any of the three available connection points. The higher tier it is, the faster it will repair. The Repair Tool can repair parts of higher tier than itself but much slower.

Blurst shield.png Blurst Shield Reflects lasers, torpedoes, and missiles that hit it. Ramming Spikes will deal damage to it similar to a regular girder. Also provides space to attach modules.
Bubble shield.png Bubble Shield Creates a circular force-field that protects parts inside from damage and stray parts. If a projectile or Ramming Spike hits the force field, the force field takes damage. The force field will be replenished slowly after a certain period of time without being damaged. Higher tiers have larger force fields that can absorb more damage.
Command module.jpg Command module The core of all ships, to which all parts are directly or indirectly attached. All ships are destroyed upon the death of the command module, including the players'. The Eris can self-destruct (Shift+C) to restart the game.
Chrono Gear.png Chrono Gear Speeds up all parts attached to it, directly or indirectly, by a factor of 1.5. While higher tiers do not provide more speed, they are sturdier. Multiple Chrono Gears can be chained together to produce insanely fast-firing weapons.
S barracks.jpg Station Module

A huge girder on which to attach parts. Station Modules are actually named after a number of functions one would expect on a space station.

Station Modules are extremely heavy.

Enemy Types

Main Article: Enemy Types

All enemies in Captain Successor belong to one of 6 types, one of which is assigned to each tier in any given run. A set of propulsion and weapon modules is also assigned to each tier. For example, if the player encounters a Charlie-tier Merchant with sprint boosters and ramming spikes, all Charlie ships during the run will be a sprinting, ramming Merchants. The starting kit the player receives at the beginning will be the same parts used by Alpha ships in that run, so it will change each time. Like in Captain Forever, the highest tier ship you can encounter at any time is two tiers above the current law meter.

The enemy types available in Captain Succesor are:

  • Fighter
  • Balancer
  • Merchant
  • Needler
  • Space Station

Clone Ships

Similar to the Peacekeepers in Forever, Clone Ships appear when a Juliet-tier ship is destroyed. They are an exact duplicate of the player's ship, with every part upgraded to Kilo-tier. They are extremely aggressive due to their confusion over the cloning, claiming their messages are being copied. Destroying a Clone Ship will display the victory effect.