Captain Forever

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Captain Forever is an award winning indie game developed by Farbs. It is the first game in the main Captain Forever Trilogy including it, Captain Successor and Captain Impostor.


There has been a devastating explosion in a far away sector of space, with only one survivor.

Farbs is the captain of the spaceship Nemesis. His ship is unique in that it has the uncanny ability to revive itself.
It is also one of the only ships with a weapon integrated into its command module. Unfortunately, this unique ship
attracts various boot-jackers who would like nothing more than to destroy the Nemesis and take it for themselves when it revives.
What the bootjackers don't know, however, is that when the Nemesis does take fatal damage, the resulting trigger of
its self-correcting harmonics creates a shockwave that obliterates virtually everything in the sector.

Seeing how Captain Farbs has a deep respect for life, his only course of action is to fight back against the boot-jackers so that
he can ideally prevent the next devastating explosion from rocking the sector. Unfortunately, he's been doing this for so long
that its has completely exhausted him. He has opened up a Web Terminal so that you may interface with his ship and pilot the Nemesis
while he rests. Build up the Nemesis, face down the boot-jackers, and eventually...take on what lies further beyond.


Gameplay consists of a small, square Command Module with a laser and thrusters built in. An info buoy will bring over a small
starting kit of Alpha Girders, Lasers, and Boosters. The player can then move these pieces
near the ship to attach them and create their own basic ship. The gameplay expands from here, as the player freely explores and finds new enemies
and ship pieces they can add.


There are six different part types in Captain Forever, listed below.

Picture Name Description
Command module.jpg Command Module The starting part. It contains weak thrusters allowing it to move omnidirectionally, as well as rotate. It also has a laser that is equivalent to a Bravo Laser. All other modules must be attached (directly or indirectly) to this module and if it gets destroyed, you lose. Note that enemy ships' command modules do not contain guns.
A laser.jpg Laser This is the weapon you will use to destroy other ships: it fires a single shot in a straight line. Lasers don't have much health and enemies usually face your ship; it can be difficult to get these without destroying them first.
A prismatic laser.jpg Prismatic Laser This weapon is relatively rare compared to normal lasers. It fires two extra shots in a roughly 60-degree cone. Every shot has the same power as a normal laser, making it potentially 3 times as powerful.
P booster.jpg Booster These are thrusters that you can attach to your ship for increased speed and maneuverability. They respond to your commands based on their position and orientation relative to the command module; they push in 1 direction.
S girder.jpg Girder A structural part to attach other parts to. If one is destroyed, all subsequent parts attached to it will be destroyed simultaneously.
Blurst shield2.png Blurst Shield Reflects anything that hits it. Extraordinarily rare to find, if not near-impossible. Enough of these will make a craft invincible.

All parts have one of eleven tiers on the Power Spectrum, which determines its attributes; including health and weight for all parts, damage and fire rate for lasers, and thrust for boosters.

Tier Laser Class Girder Size
Alpha Red 1x1
Bravo Red 1x1
Charlie Red 1x1
Delta Orange 1x2
Echo Orange 1x2
Foxtrot Orange 1x2
Golf      Yellow 1x3
Hotel Yellow 1x3
India Yellow 1x3
Juliet White 1x4
Kilo White 1x4

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