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Laser is one of the most basic weapon in the game and it can be found in all games in the Captain Forever series. It fires a single laser forward in a straight line - dealing moderate damage to the opponent. The simplicity of this weapon also make it one of the easiest weapon to use.

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 1 Hz 500 J
Bravo 1,000 Kg 1,000 J 2 Hz 500 J
Charlie 1,000 Kg 2,000 J 4 Hz 500 J
Delta 1,000 Kg 4,000 J 1 Hz 4,000 J
Echo 1,000 Kg 8,000 J 2 Hz 4,000 J
Foxtrot 1,000 Kg 16,000 J 4 Hz 4,000 J
Golf 1,000 Kg 32,000 J 1 Hz 32,000 J
Hotel 1,000 Kg 64,000 J 2 Hz 32,000 J
India 1,000 Kg 128,000 J 4 Hz 32,000 J
Juliet 1,000 Kg 256,000 J 1 Hz 256,000 J
Kilo 1,000 Kg 512,000 J 2 Hz 256,000 J
Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 1 Hz 500 J
Bravo 2,000 Kg 1,000 J 2 Hz 500 J
Charlie 3,000 Kg 2,000 J 4 Hz 500 J
Delta 4,000 Kg 4,000 J 1 Hz 4,000 J
Echo 5,000 Kg 8,000 J 2 Hz 4,000 J
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 16,000 J 4 Hz 4,000 J
Golf 7,000 Kg 32,000 J 1 Hz 32,000 J
Hotel 8,000 Kg 64,000 J 2 Hz 32,000 J
India 9,000 Kg 128,000 J 4 Hz 32,000 J
Juliet 10,000 Kg 256,000 J 1 Hz 256,000 J
Kilo 11,000 Kg 512,000 J 2 Hz 256,000 J
  • Note: Laser in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled.
  • It is the first weapon to appear in the series.
  • It is the only weapon used in Captain Foraxian

Prismatic Laser

Prismatic laser are similar to a normal laser in every way except they fire three lasers at the same time - one in a straight line, one 60 degrees to the left, and one 60 degrees to the right. They deal three times the damages of normal laser, thus making it a very powerful weapon. They're more effective at close-range combat since this allows all (or most) of the bullets to hit before spreading. Having several prismatic lasers in front of your ship will make it possible to kill the enemey of comparable class within few shots. However, there're also some disadvantages in doing that. You might unintentionally destroy the enemy's useful module. Having too much of these laser can result in lag for slower computer.

Captain Forever
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 1 Hz 500x3 J
Bravo 1,000 Kg 1,000 J 2 Hz 500x3 J
Charlie 1,000 Kg 2,000 J 4 Hz 500x3 J
Delta 1,000 Kg 4,000 J 1 Hz 4,000x3 J
Echo 1,000 Kg 8,000 J 2 Hz 4,000x3 J
Foxtrot 1,000 Kg 16,000 J 4 Hz 4,000x3 J
Golf 1,000 Kg 32,000 J 1 Hz 32,000x3 J
Hotel 1,000 Kg 64,000 J 2 Hz 32,000x3 J
India 1,000 Kg 128,000 J 4 Hz 32,000x3 J
Juliet 1,000 Kg 256,000 J 1 Hz 256,000x3 J
Kilo 1,000 Kg 512,000 J 2 Hz 256,000x3 J
Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 1 Hz 500x3 J
Bravo 2,000 Kg 1,000 J 2 Hz 500x3 J
Charlie 3,000 Kg 2,000 J 4 Hz 500x3 J
Delta 4,000 Kg 4,000 J 1 Hz 4,000x3 J
Echo 5,000 Kg 8,000 J 2 Hz 4,000x3 J
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 16,000 J 4 Hz 4,000x3 J
Golf 7,000 Kg 32,000 J 1 Hz 32,000x3 J
Hotel 8,000 Kg 64,000 J 2 Hz 32,000x3 J
India 9,000 Kg 128,000 J 4 Hz 32,000x3 J
Juliet 10,000 Kg 256,000 J 1 Hz 256,000x3 J
Kilo 11,000 Kg 512,000 J 2 Hz 256,000x3 J
  • Note: Prismatic laser in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled

Snipe Laser

As the name says, snipe laser can be used to snipe other ships from far away. Snipe lasers have twice the range of normal lasers and their shot travel twice as fast. The major disadvantage is snipe laser have half the fire rate of normal lasers, thus making it one of the weakest weapon compared to weapon of the same level. Due to their weakness, snipe laser are ineffective at a close range combat. It's 2x1 sizes also make them more vulnerable to getting hit.

Strategy: Sniping ships from far can be challenging since snipe lasers are quite hard to aim and it takes more time to kill some ship. Aiming several snipe laser at once is highly recommended for a faster kill. Remember that snipe laser are heavier than most armament modules and therefore you will need some extra propulsion for your ship to counter this

Snipe lasers are very effective at slow-moving ships that have their command modules exposed or barely protected. The best example here is the space stations.

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 2,000 Kg 500 J 500 mHz 500 J
Bravo 4,000 Kg 1,000 J 1,000 mHz 500 J
Charlie 6,000 Kg 2,000 J 2,000 mHz 500 J
Delta 8,000 Kg 4,000 J 500 mHz 4,000 J
Echo 10,000 Kg 8,000 J 1,000 mHz 4,000 J
Foxtrot 12,000 Kg 16,000 J 2,000 mHz 4,000 J
Golf 14,000 Kg 32,000 J 500 mHz 32,000 J
Hotel 16,000 Kg 64,000 J 1,000 mHz 32,000 J
India 18,000 Kg 128,000 J 2,000 mHz 32,000 J
Juliet 20,000 Kg 256,000 J 500 mHz 256,000 J
Kilo 22,000 Kg 512,000 J 1,000 mHz 256,000 J
  • Note: Snipe laser in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled

Ramming Spike

Ramming spike deals damage to the enemy upon collision at high speed. The faster they're going, the more damage they'll do. They're are the only weapon module in the game that does not involve a projectile. Ramming spike are very tough - having twice the hitpoints compared to girders. Their damages curve rises several times per level. As a result, they can deal incredible damages at higher level - capable of destroying station modules in a single hit.

The tip of ramming spike will disappear for a while after dealing damages. Recharge rate differs among levels, they're observed fastest at Charlie, Foxtrot, and India. Recharge time can also be decreased with a chrono gear.

Strategy: Ramming spikes are totally different when we talk about it in lower levels. They are not really powerful until they've reached about Echo level. Propulsion of lower levels may have hard time carrying the constant 5000 kg weight of this weapon. They're NOT recommended at lower levels.

Do have some replacements for you ramming spike especially at higher levels since collision will usually result in destruction of both side's spike.

Ramming spike actually does not require velocity but momentum. They will not deal any damage if they're used with translocator or transrotator

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Damage
Alpha 5,000 Kg 4,000 J 100 J/m/s
Bravo 5,000 Kg 8,000 J 200 J/m/s
Charlie 6,000 Kg 16,000 J 400 J/m/s
Delta 8,000 Kg 32,000 J 800 J/m/s
Echo 5,000 Kg 64,000 J 1,600 J/m/s
Foxtrot 5,000 Kg 128,000 J 3,200 J/m/s
Golf 5,000 Kg 256,000 J 6,400 J/m/s
Hotel 5,000 Kg 512,000 J 12,800 J/m/s
India 5,000 Kg 1,024,000 J 25,600 J/m/s
Juliet 5,000 Kg 2,048,000 J 51,200 J/m/s
Kilo 5,000 Kg 4,096,000 J 102,400 J/m/s
  • Note: Ramming spike in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled

Missile Launcher

Missile Launcher launches tracking missiles at the closest enemy. Missiles always seek the enemy's command module. The weapon's recharge rate are slower than most weapon, making it really weak. The projectile can be intercepted by lasers, torpedo, or even other missiles.

Missile Launcher are one of the most dangerous weapon for the its user. If the player have a portion of their ship between the missile and the enemy, the result is the missile hitting the players ship. This must be countered with either blurst shield or repair tool. The player also have no control over missiles after they've been fired.

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 0 Hz 500 J
Bravo 2,000 Kg 1,000 J 0 Hz 500 J
Charlie 3,000 Kg 2,000 J 0 Hz 500 J
Delta 4,000 Kg 4,000 J 0 Hz 4,000 J
Echo 5,000 Kg 8,000 J 0 Hz 4,000 J
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 16,000 J 0 Hz 4,000 J
Golf 7,000 Kg 32,000 J 0 Hz 32,000 J
Hotel 8,000 Kg 64,000 J 0 Hz 32,000 J
India 9,000 Kg 128,000 J 0 Hz 32,000 J
Juliet 10,000 Kg 256,000 J 0 Hz 256,000 J
Kilo 11,000 Kg 512,000 J 0 Hz 256,000 J
  • Note: Missile Launcher in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled

Torpedo Launcher

Torpedo launchers fires a torpedo in a straight line. Torpdoes deal fives time the damage of normal laser, but also have one-fifth the firerate of laser - making the overall output damages same as those of laser's. Torpedos travel much slower and have much longer lifespan, having the overall same range as laser.

Strategy: Torpedo can be strategically. Their high damages means that you can deal severe damage in your first hit. It can be used to destroy the enemy command module instantly without provoking it. If that's not possible, you can still use them to destroy most of the enemy's weapon or boosters before getting into a dogfight.

Torpedos can travel very far when fired with high speed. It can be used to outrange most weapons with this way. Just make sure that you have enough backward thrust so you can decelerate fast enough before running into the enemy weapon's range

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 200 mHz 2,500 J
Bravo 2,000 Kg 1,000 J 400 mHz 2,500 J
Charlie 3,000 Kg 2,000 J 800 mHz 2,500 J
Delta 4,000 Kg 4,000 J 200 mHz 20,000 J
Echo 5,000 Kg 8,000 J 400 mHz 20,000 J
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 16,000 J 800 mHz 20,000 J
Golf 7,000 Kg 32,000 J 200 mHz 160,000 J
Hotel 8,000 Kg 64,000 J 400 mHz 160,000 J
India 9,000 Kg 128,000 J 800 mHz 160,000 J
Juliet 10,000 Kg 256,000 J 200 mHz 1,280,000 J
Kilo 11,000 Kg 512,000 J 400 mHz 1,280,000 J
  • Note: Torpedo launcher in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled


Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Rate of Fire Damage
Alpha 1,000 Kg 500 J 2 Hz 500 J
Bravo 2,000 Kg 1,000 J 4 Hz 500 J
Charlie 3,000 Kg 2,000 J 8 Hz 500 J
Delta 4,000 Kg 4,000 J 2 Hz 4,000 J
Echo 5,000 Kg 8,000 J 4 Hz 4,000 J
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 16,000 J 8 Hz 4,000 J
Golf 7,000 Kg 32,000 J 2 Hz 32,000 J
Hotel 8,000 Kg 64,000 J 4 Hz 32,000 J
India 9,000 Kg 128,000 J 8 Hz 32,000 J
Juliet 10,000 Kg 256,000 J 4 Hz 256,000 J
Kilo 11,000 Kg 512,000 J 8 Hz 256,000 J
  • Note: Sprinkler in Captain Impostor are identical to Captain Successor except the damage is doubled

Quick Pros and Cons


[+] Fast projectile, safe to use
[0] Decent damage

Prismatic Laser

[++] 3x Powerful as laser
[0] May cause lag if used too much
[-] Spreading bullet, hard to hit with all lasers

Snipe Laser

[++] Can outrange
[+] Very fast projectile, safe to use
[-] Firerate is halved
[-] Relatively heavy and large

Ramming Spike

[+++] Ultra powerful
[+] High hitpoints
[-] Relatively heavy and underpowered at lower levels
[-] Require some speed to be effective, incompatible with translocator/transrotator
[-] Risk or getting destroyed by enemy ramming spike

Missile Launcher

[++] Seeks out enemy's command module by its own
[-] Slow firerate
[-] Projectile can be easily intercepted
[-] Slow moving projecile
[--] High risk of hitting oneself

Torpedo Launcher

[++] High damage, able to pack heavy punches in a single hit
[+] Long life span, travel very far when fired under high speed
[-] Slow projectile, risk of hitting oneself
[-] Long recharge time


[++] Doubled firerate
[-] Range is half of normal laser
[-] Can't really aim
[-] Limited placing option

(I might put these in the armament main page)



Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Thrust
Alpha 1,000 Kg 1,000 J 120,000 N
Bravo 2,000 Kg 2,000 J 240,000 N
Charlie 3,000 Kg 4,000 J 480,000 N
Delta 4,000 Kg 8,000 J 600,000 N
Echo 5,000 Kg 16,000 J 720,000 N
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 32,000 J 840,000 N
Golf 7,000 Kg 64,000 J 960,000 N
Hotel 8,000 Kg 128,000 J 1,080,000 N
India 9,000 Kg 256,000 J 1,200,000 N
Juliet 10,000 Kg 512,000 J 1,320,000 N
Kilo 11,000 Kg 1,024,000 J 256,000 J

Twin Booster

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Thrust
Alpha 1,000 Kg 1,000 J 60,000x2 N
Bravo 2,000 Kg 2,000 J 120,000x2 N
Charlie 3,000 Kg 4,000 J 180,000x2 N
Delta 4,000 Kg 8,000 J 240,000x2 N
Echo 5,000 Kg 16,000 J 300,000x2 N
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 32,000 J 360,000x2 N
Golf 7,000 Kg 64,000 J 420,000x2 N
Hotel 8,000 Kg 128,000 J 480,000x2 N
India 9,000 Kg 256,000 J 540,000x2 N
Juliet 10,000 Kg 512,000 J 600,000x2 N
Kilo 11,000 Kg 1,024,000 J 660,000x2 N

Booster (Gymballed)

Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Thrust
Alpha 1,000 Kg 1,000 J 60,000 N
Bravo 2,000 Kg 2,000 J 120,000 N
Charlie 3,000 Kg 4,000 J 180,000 N
Delta 4,000 Kg 8,000 J 240,000 N
Echo 5,000 Kg 16,000 J 300,000 N
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 32,000 J 360,000 N
Golf 7,000 Kg 64,000 J 420,000 N
Hotel 8,000 Kg 128,000 J 480,000 N
India 9,000 Kg 256,000 J 540,000 N
Juliet 10,000 Kg 512,000 J 600,000 N
Kilo 11,000 Kg 1,024,000 J 660,000 N


Captain Successor
Level Weight Hitpoints Velocity
Alpha 1,000 Kg 1,000 J 50,000 Kg.m/s
Bravo 2,000 Kg 2,000 J 100,000 Kg.m/s
Charlie 3,000 Kg 4,000 J 150,000 Kg.m/s
Delta 4,000 Kg 8,000 J 200,000 Kg.m/s
Echo 5,000 Kg 16,000 J 250,000 Kg.m/s
Foxtrot 6,000 Kg 32,000 J 300,000 Kg.m/s
Golf 7,000 Kg 64,000 J 350,000 Kg.m/s
Hotel 8,000 Kg 128,000 J 400,000 Kg.m/s
India 9,000 Kg 256,000 J 450,000 Kg.m/s
Juliet 10,000 Kg 512,000 J 500,000 Kg.m/s
Kilo 11,000 Kg 1,024,000 J 550,000 Kg.m/s



If you find errors or have something you want to put in you can just edit my page --Sillyland 16:45, March 10, 2011 (UTC)